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Getting Started

Enter the exciting world of Swarm Organisation

organisation strategy

self-organising collective

future proof eco-system

SWARM Organisation is the latest innovation in strategic organisation development. But how do you get started? 

Great start: Read the book!

Swarm Organisation is the brain child of organisational strategy expert Evert Bleijenberg MBA. In his book he explains in great detail why we need it, where it comes from and what the underlying principles of this innovative organisation model are. Click below to download the e-book. Or order the paperback on-line at, or Amazon.

Swarm Organisation Book
Evert Bleijenberg MBA Swarm Organisation
Better: sign up for a keynote, webinar or masterclass!

What better way to learn about this amazing innovation, than to hear the story directly from the man who wrote the book! Sign up for a keynote or invite Evert for an in-company masterclass.

Watch our videos

Do you rather like to watch than read? Then watch our videos where Evert explains the origins of SWARM, gives a high-level excerpt of his keynote and some cool eyeopeners and takeaways.

SWARM Organisation Evert Bleijenberg
Evert Bleijenberg MBA SWARM Organisation
Just have a good talk

If you already know about Swarm, but just like to have a good talk about it, please feel free to contact us directly. We'll gladly discuss how you and your organisation can benefit from SWARM.​

SWARM Training

How do you change an organisation mind-set and use the SWARM model as an individual or in an organisation? Well, we can teach you! Just sign-up for one of our training programs.


Evert Bleijenberg MBA SWARM Organisation

And of course you can also try the SWARM Scan TM and get an analysis of your organisation mindset & behaviour.

Consulting Professionals

Swarm Organisation offers excellent opportunities for independent organisation consultants to expand their portfolio and market. For more information about this, please contact us and ask about our affiliate program.

achieve greater agility, adaptability, sustainability and overall effectiveness

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